Sieber creates space for more

The company.

We develop workplaces and work spaces. Inspiring, efficient and economic offices which can flexibly follow the ever-changing working environments. We advise independently of interests, specific systems and products as well as compliant with directives. We always plan for the direct users of the areas. This might sound banal – but is crucial. For example, we responsibly consider the requirements of each individual and are always aware of our responsibility arising from the huge influence on the quality of the work environment. Our plans are decisive for the motivation, creativity and health within the company and thus also significantly influence its economic efficiency.

We don’t understand office planning as a pure design task. Planning on the basis of analysis and designing in the sense of an inspiring environment are the core of our philosophy. The end result is a working environment which not only mirrors the values of the company but also positively influences both life and work.

In close cooperation with the customer each of our projects starts with a dedicated analysis. The same principle lies at the heart of all projects, namely that there is no fixed principle at all. By looking into the inside of a company (employees, processes, and corporate culture) we develop individual solutions which live up to the manifold requirements of our customers.

40 years of top expertise

Hungenberg + -

Our company was founded by Margret and Werner Hungenberg in 1978. The challenges back then were different from today. Their task was to integrate computer technology into the office and optimize the organizational structures - especially to ensure ergonomics and health protection at the workplace.

Our roots are therefore the functional and ergonomic consideration of offices, the observance of standards and as a result ensuring qualities.

New working worlds + -

Still our company was and has always been a trailblazer when it came to thinking about new developments and requirements. Already in the early 2000s Mr. Hungenberg gave talks on New Work and furthered this development in his planning work. Under the continued leadership of Birgit Hungenberg until 2020 and through Daniel Sieber joining the company in 2008 we have been able to give the offices a new face without neglecting quality or even following fashionable trends.

Sieber GmbH + -

Mit Daniel Sieber und Spardha Angra Saharya als Geschäftsführung sowie einem interdisziplinären Team, schafft die Sieber GmbH die perfekte Symbiose aus Funktionalität – die ergonomische und normgerechte Betrachtung von Büros und Innovation – das neue Denken von Entwicklungen und Anforderungen im Design.

Long-term and recurring customer relationships have confirmed this for over 40 years.

A strong team.

Our office is a platform for expertise and creativity. Through this we want to ensure that we keep on developing because this platform lives from new ideas as well as the historically profound knowledge. The collective knowledge of all strengthens one's own creativity and expertise and allows rapid starting with project work. We do not fill positions, instead we promote talents. We forgo classic structures and rather focus on the skills. Our collaboration is characterized by the highest respect, united in the goal to provide maximum performance together for our customers.

We do big things - with a small, select team with players from Austria, India, Bolivia, the US, Poland and Germany. We enjoy this internationality which on a day-to-day level expends our point of view. Here's a selection of our team.


Daniel Sieber & Spardha Angra

Unsere Arbeit bedingt Teamwork, daher leben wir Teamwork! Ein internationales und interdisziplinäres Team aus hochqualifizierten Architekt*innen und Innenarchitekt*innen arbeitet eng zusammen und ist Garant für beste Lösungen. Wir sind nah am Kunden, agieren sehr flexibel und immer individuell denkend. Unsere Kunden danken das mit unglaublicher Treue.

Interior Design (M.A.)

Anika Lorenczat

Anika is our oasis of peace! Not only because she is calm, but also because she works on each task exceptionally focused. A bit like our trump card, she surprises us without much pomp, and is therefore a big support for us all...but only after 9.00 a.m. as she’s not very fond of early mornings, especially not without her coffee.

Daniel about Anika


Kati Hahn-Sieber

Kati ist unsere gute Seele. Sie denkt an die Dinge, an die wir nicht denken. Sie schafft es, im Kleinen wie im Großen Unerwartetes zu kreieren und unser aller Umfeld ganz besonders und lebenswert zu machen. Auf Kati ist Verlass und sie verleiht den Dingen stets das gewisse Etwas.

Diana on Kati

Interior Design (M.A.)

Nevin Mamo

Nevin ist selbst ihr größter Kritiker, niemand ärgert sich mehr über eigene Fehler. Dabei arbeitet sie doch sehr präzise, engagiert und ist vor allem interessiert. Weil sie interessiert ist, ist sie viel gereist, hat die Welt gesehen und hat viel davon mitgebracht. Das macht sie unglaublich wertvoll für die Arbeit und vor allem für das Team.

Kati about Nevin

Managing Director / Dipl.-Ing. Architecture

Daniel Sieber

Designer of new working worlds Not only with customers, but within the team as well. We are very important to him – we can feel it and it motivates us every day. Even under the greatest stress he remains calm and structured. Always with the happiness of the team in mind, he takes time, he inquires, is interested. He inspires us through his experience and supports us through his knowledge. For Daniel this creative studio is like a family.

Spardha on Daniel

Interior Design (M. A.)

Julia Ranzenberger

Joie de vivre, character and enthusiasm - that's Julia. She works on projects with self-confidence and competence, develops her own ideas and delivers solutions. Communication is everything - Julia listens and informs. She is a true team player, she helps and supports, shares her knowledge, her experience and also her always good mood!

Anika about Julia


Diana Haring

Diana is our organization talent! Which is why she takes on the really large organizational tasks: starting from complex relocations for our customers up to the birthday gift for a colleague. Always in a good mood, always happy to help!

Julia über Diana

Geschäftsführerin / Innenarchitektur (M. A.)

Spardha Angra Saharya

Spardha is the bee in the team, quick, extremely creative and with an unbelievable amount of energy. Furthermore she brings forth the defining images in our references, a skillful blend of art and design. In the team she captivates through her special way of spreading cheer in the chats.

Daniella über Spardha

Interior Design (B.A.)

Daniella Delius

Always a smile on the face, always unassuming, brilliant and creative! This is how I would describe Daniella. Always at hand when small and large CAD problems arise. With her quiet nature and her know-how she has really helped many people. She is a great enrichment to the team.

Nevin über Daniella

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